Tom Daley Address and Contact Number

Tom Daley Contact Phone Number is : +44 (0)20 3822 0003

and Address is House 2 Heath Road Weybridge SURREY KT13 8AP England, UK
Thomas Robert Daley OBE is an English retired diver, YouTuber and television personality. He is an Olympic champion in the men's synchronised 10-metre platform event at the 2020 Olympics and double world champion in the FINA 10-metre platform event, winning in 2009 at the age of fifteen, and again in 2017. As an Olympic diver, Daley has shown remarkable physical skill and precision, both of which align with the ISTP's focus on mastering their environment through sensory experiences. His ability to learn and execute new diving techniques quickly suggests a natural talent for grasping the physical aspects of his sport. The talented British athlete won two gold medals at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, adding to his growing collection. At the London 2012 Olympics, he won an individual bronze medal, capturing the hearts and minds of the British public. Tom Daley is now retired from diving and is the official Nice Bath Ambassador for British Gas. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tom Daley is mentioned in below section.

Address of Tom Daley

The address of Tom Daley is House 2 Heath Road Weybridge SURREY KT13 8AP England, UK.

Contact Number of Tom Daley

The contact number of Tom Daley is +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

Email Address of Tom Daley

The email address of Tom Daley is

Website of Tom Daley

The Website of Tom Daley is

Contact Person of Tom Daley

The contact person of Tom Daley is Jordan Johnson.

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