Tim Bendzko Address and Contact Number
Tim Bendzko Contact Phone Number is : +49 221 9318060
and Address is Johannes-Brahms-Platz 20355 Hamburg, GermanyTim Bendzko is a German singer-songwriter. He achieved nationwide recognition with his song "Nur noch kurz die Welt retten" and becoming the winner on the Bundesvision Song Contest. He achieved nationwide recognition with his song "Nur noch kurz die Welt retten" and becoming the winner on the Bundesvision Song Contest. Bendzko was born in East Berlin on April 9, 1985. He played soccer for FC Union Berlin and studied Protestant Theology and non-Christian religions at the Free University of Berlin. He also worked as an auctioneer in the automobile industry. Bendzko's albums are consistent, with him remaining in character throughout. His 2019 album Filter infused more rhythms than previous albums, while engaging the listener more. Tim Bendzko, a singer-songwriter, has recently become a father and is finding it easier to balance his family and career. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tim Bendzko is mentioned in below section.
Address of Tim Bendzko
The address of Tim Bendzko is Johannes-Brahms-Platz 20355 Hamburg, Germany.Contact Number of Tim Bendzko
The contact number of Tim Bendzko is +49 221 9318060.Email Address of Tim Bendzko
The email address of Tim Bendzko is tim.bendzko@gmail.com.Website of Tim Bendzko
The Website of Tim Bendzko is www.timbendzko.de.Contact Person of Tim Bendzko
The contact person of Tim Bendzko is Kick-Media AG.Email this information
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