Tenaya Lodge Address and Contact Number

Tenaya Lodge Contact Phone Number is : +1 559-683-6555

and Address is 1122 California 41, Fish Camp, California 93623, United States
Tenaya Lodge is a four star Hotel which provides excellent accommodation facility. It is situated at the National park's soaring South Gate. The lodge has major features of dining, spa, Internet access, gift shops, retail stores, fitness center, game rooms and resort guest concierge. The National park is Famous for various recreational activities such as hiking, skiing, swimming, boating, skating and lots more. It has rewarded with AAA four diamond award, platinum choICE award and connisseur's choICE award. The address and contact number of Tenaya Lodge is also used for Tenaya Lodge Groupon, Tenaya Lodge Spa, Tenaya Lodge Dining and Tenaya Lodge Packages. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Tenaya Lodge is mentioned in below section.

Address of Tenaya Lodge

The address of Tenaya Lodge is 1122 California 41, Fish Camp, California 93623, United States.

Contact Number of Tenaya Lodge

The contact number of Tenaya Lodge is +1 559-683-6555.

Email Address of Tenaya Lodge

The email address of Tenaya Lodge is .

Website of Tenaya Lodge

The Website of Tenaya Lodge is www.tenayalodge.com.

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Tenaya Lodge Address Contact Number
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