Sweetaj Brar Address and Contact Number

Sweetaj Brar Contact Phone Number is : +91 9056505367

and Address is village -Malke, Moga, Punjab, India.
Sweetaj Brar is a Punjabi Singer and Actress associated with Punjabi Music Industry. She was born in a Sikh family on 25 September 1998 and her birthplace is Mohali, Punjab, India. She is the daughter of famous Punjabi singer Raj Brar. Her debut song Love You Oye with Prabh Gill.
She then released her solo song Raah pushda which was much loved by the public. she got breakthrough with Care Ni Karda, feat. Yo-Yo Honey Singh, this song released in Bollywood, Labed T-Series, crossed millions in 24 hours. Apart from her singing career she start her film career with Kulwinder Billa‘s film Gole di Vegi which is released in 2021. She has also appeared as an actor in movies like "Moosa Jatt", and "Tere layi. Also, some another upcoming movie named Fikar Karo Na. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sweetaj Brar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sweetaj Brar

The address of Sweetaj Brar is village -Malke, Moga, Punjab, India..

Contact Number of Sweetaj Brar

The contact number of Sweetaj Brar is +91 9056505367.

Email Address of Sweetaj Brar

The email address of Sweetaj Brar is sweetajbrarofficial@gmail.com.

Website of Sweetaj Brar

The Website of Sweetaj Brar is Not known.

Contact Person of Sweetaj Brar

The contact person of Sweetaj Brar is Sweetaj Brar.

Sweetaj Brar Source of Knowledge

Not known
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