Surjit Khan Address and Contact Number

Surjit Khan Contact Phone Number is : +91 9814137488

and Address is Village Barana, District SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, India.
Surjit Khan is a Punjabi musician and singer-songwriter. His album in 2009 Headliner which Ravi Bal produced Surjit Khan's Album. He churned out a string of successful albums such as Husn, Dupatta and Neendraan.In 2010, he got fame from his superhit song Jattan De Putt. He is of Indian descent. India-born artist Surjit Khan is well-known in the Pop genre, and more notably in Indian Pop. Khan has won over crowds all around the country with his magnetic stage presence and beautiful melodies. Famous for his folk songs, Surjit Khan takes a trip down memory lane as he reminisces his musical journey, which he embarked on as a teenager. Sitting in the SBS studio, the singer touring Melbourne spoke passionately about how his career shaped his life. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Surjit Khan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Surjit Khan

The address of Surjit Khan is Village Barana, District SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, India..

Contact Number of Surjit Khan

The contact number of Surjit Khan is +91 9814137488.

Email Address of Surjit Khan

The email address of Surjit Khan is

Website of Surjit Khan

The Website of Surjit Khan is Not known.

Contact Person of Surjit Khan

The contact person of Surjit Khan is Surjit Khan.

Surjit Khan Source of Knowledge

Not known
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