St Margaret of Scotland Address and Contact Number

St Margaret of Scotland Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Kingdom of Hungary
St. Margaret of Scotland was born on 16th November 1093 at exile in Hungary. She is also recognized as Margaret of Wessex as well as Queen Margaret of Scotland. She was an English princess of the Wessex House. Numerous churches are contributed to her as a tribute. One of the Famous and oldest churches is St. Margaret Chapel which is located in Edinburgh Castle and established by her own son named as King David I. Other churches are East Sussex, Church of England located in Budapest, St Margaret of Scotland, 13th century oldest church of Saint Margaret the Queen Located in Buxted and Aberdeen. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of St Margaret of Scotland is mentioned in below section.

Address of St Margaret of Scotland

The address of St Margaret of Scotland is Kingdom of Hungary.

Contact Number of St Margaret of Scotland

The contact number of St Margaret of Scotland is NA.

Email Address of St Margaret of Scotland

The email address of St Margaret of Scotland is .

Website of St Margaret of Scotland

The Website of St Margaret of Scotland is .

Contact Person of St Margaret of Scotland

The contact person of St Margaret of Scotland is St Margaret.
St Margaret of Scotland Address Contact Number
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