Smith Haven Mall Address and Contact Number
Smith Haven Mall Contact Phone Number is : +1 (631) 724-8066, (631) 724-1433
and Address is 313 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY 11755-1201, United StatesSmith Haven Mall is a Famous shopping mall located in Lake Grove, New York. It houses a number of shopping outlets including many big brands. It was established on March 12, 1969. It houses around 140 shops of various products like electronic goods stores like Apple Store and includes food outlets such as restaurants and coffee shops. The mall is having 1,400,000 square-foot of retail space. It is owned by a commercial property group named Simon Property Group which has its 25 percent stake in it. The address and contact number of Smith Haven Mall is also used for Smith Haven Mall Directions, Smith Haven Mall Pet Store, Smith Haven Mall Jewelry Stores, Smith Haven Mall Foot Locker, Smith Haven Mall Bus Schedule, Smith Haven Mall IPhone Repair and Smith Haven Mall Apple Store. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Smith Haven Mall is mentioned in below section.
Address of Smith Haven Mall
The address of Smith Haven Mall is 313 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY 11755-1201, United States.Contact Number of Smith Haven Mall
The contact number of Smith Haven Mall is +1 (631) 724-8066, (631) 724-1433.Email Address of Smith Haven Mall
The email address of Smith Haven Mall is .Website of Smith Haven Mall
The Website of Smith Haven Mall is this information
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