Shahnaz Sheikh Address and Contact Number

Shahnaz Sheikh Contact Phone Number is : +92 9664787837

and Address is Plot 547, Sector S Phase 7, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Shahnaz Sheikh is a retired Pakistani field hockey player. He was born at Sialkot, Pakistan. He is related to Olympians Zahid Sheikh and Tariq Sheikh. In 2014, he was the head coach of Pakistan National Hockey Team. Shahnaz Sheikh played between 1969 and 1978. He was capped 68 times and scored 45 goals for the Pakistan National Hockey Team. He won Silver in 1972 and Bronze in 1976 Olympics . Shahnaz won the 1971 Field Hockey World Cup and was runner-up in 1975 and won again in 1978. Shahnaz Sheikh is rated among the 'Top 10 Pakistan Hockey Players of All Time'. He received the Pride of Performance Award in 1990 from the President of Pakistan. Sheikh married Seerat Hazir on 24 December 1982, who is also a Pakistani Television personality. They have two sons together. She resides in Lahore with her family. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Shahnaz Sheikh is mentioned in below section.

Address of Shahnaz Sheikh

The address of Shahnaz Sheikh is Plot 547, Sector S Phase 7, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Shahnaz Sheikh

The contact number of Shahnaz Sheikh is +92 9664787837.

Email Address of Shahnaz Sheikh

The email address of Shahnaz Sheikh is

Website of Shahnaz Sheikh

The Website of Shahnaz Sheikh is

Contact Person of Shahnaz Sheikh

The contact person of Shahnaz Sheikh is Shahnaz Sheikh.

Shahnaz Sheikh Source of Knowledge
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