Shadia Mansour Address and Contact Number

Shadia Mansour Contact Phone Number is : +972 526149546

and Address is 9704 Oak Bridge Pl in Fairfax Station, VA 22039, USA.
Shadia Mansour, also known as "the first lady of Arabic hip hop" is a British-Palestinian rapper who performs in Arabic and English. Much of her music revolves around Middle Eastern politics. She has gained recognition in the Middle East, Europe and the US for her own songs and collaborations with other artists. Her first single, 'Al Kufiya Arabiya' (The Kufiya is Arab), was written when Mansour discovered an American made blue-and-white colored Arab scarf with Stars of David on it. Her music is often politically charged and focuses on Middle East politics. She has sung about the Israeli offensive in Gaza in 2008, and has said that her music is "resistance" and "non-violent resistance". She breaks free of expectations and defies the status quo in many ways, including her spoken vulgarity and her rejection of the sexualization of women in hip-hop. Shadia Mansour is a singer and activist whose work focuses on Middle East politics and Palestinian nationalism. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Shadia Mansour is mentioned in below section.

Address of Shadia Mansour

The address of Shadia Mansour is 9704 Oak Bridge Pl in Fairfax Station, VA 22039, USA..

Contact Number of Shadia Mansour

The contact number of Shadia Mansour is +972 526149546.

Email Address of Shadia Mansour

The email address of Shadia Mansour is

Website of Shadia Mansour

The Website of Shadia Mansour is

Contact Person of Shadia Mansour

The contact person of Shadia Mansour is Shadia Mansour.

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