Selfridges Birmingham Address and Contact Number

Selfridges Birmingham Contact Phone Number is : +44 800 123400

and Address is The Bullring, Upper Mall East, Birmingham B5 4BP, United Kingdom
The Self ridges is the Famous shopping center and Self ridges Department Store in England. The Self ridges is the chain of department stores and it was organized by Harry Gordon Self ridge. The building is situated in the park Street, Birmingham, England. The building construction was started in the year of 1999 which was completed in September of 2003, with the cost of 60 million Pound sterling. It is Self ridges and Company owned building, and it was designed by architecture firm Future Systems. The shopping center provides all kinds of clothes for men, women and Children’s. The address and contact number of Selfridges Birmingham is also used for Selfridges Birmingham Postcode, Selfridges Birmingham Architecture, Selfridges Birmingham Jobs, Selfridges Birmingham Champagne Bar, Selfridges Birmingham Hair Salon and Selfridges Birmingham Car park. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Selfridges Birmingham is mentioned in below section.

Address of Selfridges Birmingham

The address of Selfridges Birmingham is The Bullring, Upper Mall East, Birmingham B5 4BP, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Selfridges Birmingham

The contact number of Selfridges Birmingham is +44 800 123400.

Email Address of Selfridges Birmingham

The email address of Selfridges Birmingham is .

Website of Selfridges Birmingham

The Website of Selfridges Birmingham is

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Selfridges Birmingham Address Contact Number
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