Sandwell Hospital Address and Contact Number

Sandwell Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 0121 507 6428

and Address is Lyndon, West Bromwich, West Midlands, England
Sandwell Hospital is a general Hospital located in West Bromwich city of United Kingdom. The Hospital is providing its medical Services since 1884. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals National health ServICE Trust is the main controlling authority of this Hospital. This trust was established on 1st April 2002. This Hospital is a multi specialist Hospital of West Bromwich. Hospital provides premier health care Services in the city. The address and contact number of Sandwell Hospital is also used for Sandwell Hospital work experience, Sandwell Hospital consultants, Sandwell Hospital volunteering and Sandwell Hospital parking.
Other Contacts :-

Telephone : 0121 507 6098

Opening times: 08.30am – 4.30pm weekdays The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sandwell Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sandwell Hospital

The address of Sandwell Hospital is Lyndon, West Bromwich, West Midlands, England.

Contact Number of Sandwell Hospital

The contact number of Sandwell Hospital is 0121 507 6428.

Email Address of Sandwell Hospital

The email address of Sandwell Hospital is .

Website of Sandwell Hospital

The Website of Sandwell Hospital is .

Sandwell Hospital Address Contact Number
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