Samaresh Majumdar Address and Contact Number
Samaresh Majumdar Contact Phone Number is : +91 (33) 25555718
and Address is 64D, Shampukur Street, Shyambazar, Kolkata - 700004, West BengalSamaresh Majumdar is Famous Bengali Writer and is the founder of Arjun character. He was born on 10 March 1942. He has passed his childhood Duars, Jalpaiguri of West Bengal. Samaresh Majumdar went to Jalpaiguri Zilla School. Buno Haansh Movies is also based on his novel Buno Haansher Palak. Some other characters were created by him include Animesh & Madhabilata, Dipaboli, etc. Some of Samaresh Majumdar's Famous novels are Aath Kuthuri Noy Daraja, Daybadhha, etc. The address and contact number of Samaresh Majumdar is also used for Samaresh Majumdar Book List, Samaresh Majumdar Books Pdf, Samaresh Basu and Samaresh Majumdar Uponnash Free Download. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Samaresh Majumdar is mentioned in below section.
Address of Samaresh Majumdar
The address of Samaresh Majumdar is 64D, Shampukur Street, Shyambazar, Kolkata - 700004, West Bengal.Contact Number of Samaresh Majumdar
The contact number of Samaresh Majumdar is +91 (33) 25555718.Email Address of Samaresh Majumdar
The email address of Samaresh Majumdar is .Website of Samaresh Majumdar
The Website of Samaresh Majumdar is .Email this information
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