Sait Calgary Address and Contact Number

Sait Calgary Contact Phone Number is : +1 403-284-8616

and Address is 1301 16 Ave NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2M 0L4, Canada
SAIT Polytechnic is a public institution situated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The institution was established in the year 1916. It offers various Diploma, Certificate and Applied Degrees. Dr David Ross is the president of the institution. It is affiliated to CCAA, AACTI, Alberta Colleges Athletics Conference, CBIE and among others. The institution has approximately 962 academic staff, 1,938 admin staff and 8,434 Students. It has eight Schools namely: School of Business, MacPhail School of Energy, School of Construction, School of Hospitality and Tourism, School of health and Public Safety, School of Manufacturing and Automation, School of Information and Communications Technologies and School of Transportation. The institution provides several amenities such as high-speed Internet, Study lounges, coffee house, bar, gymnasium, fitness centre, squash courts and 24-hour security. The address and contact number of Sait Calgary is also used for Sait Calgary Residence, Sait Calgary ApprentICEship training, Sait Calgary InterNational Students, Sait Calgary New Releases and Sait Calgary Summer Camps. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sait Calgary is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sait Calgary

The address of Sait Calgary is 1301 16 Ave NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2M 0L4, Canada.

Contact Number of Sait Calgary

The contact number of Sait Calgary is +1 403-284-8616.

Email Address of Sait Calgary

The email address of Sait Calgary is .

Website of Sait Calgary

The Website of Sait Calgary is

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Sait Calgary Address Contact Number
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