Roberto Carlos Braga Address and Contact Number

Roberto Carlos Braga Contact Phone Number is : +55 9071 783 463

and Address is Pernambuco, 471 - Balneario Praia do Pernambuco, Guarujá - SP, 11444-160, Brazil
Roberto Carlos Braga is a Brazilian singer-songwriter, also known as "King of Latin Music" or simply "the King". Most of his songs were written in partnership with his friend, singer and songwriter Erasmo Carlos. Roberto Carlos has sold over 70 million albums around the world. Roberto Carlos is a Brazilian singer-songwriter who was a leader of the 1960s rock-and-roll movement in Brazil. He later became popular for his romantic ballads and boleros. Roberto Carlos's net worth is estimated at US\$160 million. After retiring from music, Roberto Carlos became a global ambassador for Real Madrid, a television commentator, and an assistant at the youth academy. Roberto Carlos has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide. Often praised for his sensual baritone voice, he won a Grammy Award in 1988 for best Latin pop performance, as well as several Latin Grammys in the early 21st century. By that time he had also sold a total of more than 100 million albums worldwide. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Roberto Carlos Braga is mentioned in below section.

Address of Roberto Carlos Braga

The address of Roberto Carlos Braga is Pernambuco, 471 - Balneario Praia do Pernambuco, Guarujá - SP, 11444-160, Brazil.

Contact Number of Roberto Carlos Braga

The contact number of Roberto Carlos Braga is +55 9071 783 463.

Email Address of Roberto Carlos Braga

The email address of Roberto Carlos Braga is

Website of Roberto Carlos Braga

The Website of Roberto Carlos Braga is

Contact Person of Roberto Carlos Braga

The contact person of Roberto Carlos Braga is Roberto Carlos Braga.

Roberto Carlos Braga Source of Knowledge
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