Robert Korzeniowski Address and Contact Number

Robert Korzeniowski Contact Phone Number is : +48 22 723 50 03

and Address is M5, Joanny Znienskiej, Zabrze, Poland
Robert Marek Korzeniowski is a Polish former racewalker who won four gold medals at the Olympic Games and three gold medals at World Championships. He is a legend and is considered a Polish hero. He is known for his popularity with Polish race walking fans and is a great ambassador for the sport. Korzeniowski is the most successful race walker at the Olympics, with four titles. In 1996, 2000 and 2004, he won the 50 kilometres event, making him the only person to have won a race walking event more than twice. Korzeniowski is also known for promoting race walking and helping young athletes. Korzeniowski is the most successful race walker in Olympic history, winning four titles. He won the 50 km event three times in a row at the 1996, 2000, and 2004 Olympics. He was also the first person to win both the 20 km and 50 km events at the same Olympics, which he did in Sydney in 2000. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Robert Korzeniowski is mentioned in below section.

Address of Robert Korzeniowski

The address of Robert Korzeniowski is M5, Joanny Znienskiej, Zabrze, Poland.

Contact Number of Robert Korzeniowski

The contact number of Robert Korzeniowski is +48 22 723 50 03.

Email Address of Robert Korzeniowski

The email address of Robert Korzeniowski is

Website of Robert Korzeniowski

The Website of Robert Korzeniowski is

Contact Person of Robert Korzeniowski

The contact person of Robert Korzeniowski is Robert Korzeniowski.

Robert Korzeniowski Source of Knowledge
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