Qeh Birmingham Address and Contact Number

Qeh Birmingham Contact Phone Number is : 0121 627 2000

and Address is Queen Elizabeth Medical Center Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TH, United Kingdom
QEH is stand for Queen Elizabeth Hospital, it is located in Edgbaston, Birmingham, England as one of the biggest renal transplant Programmers. The name is given after the Queen Elizabeth mother after his death in 1952. The Hospital is formed in the year of 2010. It has more than 6,900 staff member, and it provides its Services to half a million patients each year. The Hospital provides many Services such as secondary Services, regional Services and National Services for the people. In Queen Elizabeth Hospital has 100 beds and Royal Center for Defense Medicine for military. The address and contact number of Qeh Birmingham is also used for Qeh Birmingham parking, Qeh Birmingham Consultants, Queen Elizabeth Birmingham Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Birmingham Charity and Queen Elizabeth Birmingham Postcode. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Qeh Birmingham is mentioned in below section.

Address of Qeh Birmingham

The address of Qeh Birmingham is Queen Elizabeth Medical Center Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TH, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Qeh Birmingham

The contact number of Qeh Birmingham is 0121 627 2000.

Email Address of Qeh Birmingham

The email address of Qeh Birmingham is .

Website of Qeh Birmingham

The Website of Qeh Birmingham is www.uhb.nhs.uk.

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Qeh Birmingham Address Contact Number
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