Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Address and Contact Number

Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Contact Phone Number is : +1 717-665-7021

and Address is 2775 Lebanon Rd Manheim, PA 17545, United States
Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is a popular public fair held over the 12 weekends from the start of August through the end of October on the grounds of the Mount Hope EState and Winery in Manheim, Pennsylvania. It was started from the year 1981 following the popularity of the first fair in the year 1980 the fair was named Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. It was held over a large land of 35 acres and several shows are organized nearly 90 shows held on 12 different stages daily that are of different humors like musical shows, Shakespearean plays etc. The fair is having a number of shopping outlets of food and other things for the visitors coming over there. The address and contact number of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is also used for Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire coupon code, Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire cast, Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire reviews, Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire schedule, Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire vendors and Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire coupons. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

The address of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is 2775 Lebanon Rd Manheim, PA 17545, United States.

Contact Number of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

The contact number of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is +1 717-665-7021.

Email Address of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

The email address of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is .

Website of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire

The Website of Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is

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Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Address Contact Number
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Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire User Reports

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Mr. Alexander RandallOct 25, 2021
That was fabulous. My first visit to PaRenFair
I discovered the band Wolgemut at my first stop and followed them to four shows. Fantastic sound. Such driving rhythms and interesting melodies. I was blown away. I will come back to PaRenFair - certain - especially if you insure this band is back too. Great food. Fun events, great shops, amazing costumes. WOLGEMUT.
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