Pak Se ri Address and Contact Number
Pak Se ri Contact Phone Number is : +1 (408) 807-7172
and Address is 5329 Newhall Ave, Orlando, FL 32810-4947, USAPak Se-ri or Se-ri Pak is a South Korean former professional golfer who played on the LPGA Tour from 1998 to 2016. She was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 2007. Throughout her career, Pak Se-ri earned numerous prestigious awards. She was named Rookie of the Year in 1998 and won the Vare Trophy for having the best scoring average in 2000. In 2007, she was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame, becoming the youngest living inductee at the age of 30. She played a key role in popularizing women's golf in South Korea. Pak's father introduced her to golf when she was 14 years old, and she soon took up the sport avidly. She won 30 tournaments in South Korea as an amateur. She is considered a leader of the game in her country and is known for making women's golf popular in South Korea. Pak is the most successful Korean player in LPGA history, winning 25 LPGA titles. She was the only South Korean on the LPGA Tour in 1998, but by 2008, there were 45 South Koreans on the tour. Pak has inspired many young golfers, including Na Yeon Choi and Inbee Park. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pak Se ri is mentioned in below section.
Address of Pak Se-ri
The address of Pak Se-ri is 5329 Newhall Ave, Orlando, FL 32810-4947, USA.Contact Number of Pak Se-ri
The contact number of Pak Se-ri is +1 (408) 807-7172.Email Address of Pak Se-ri
The email address of Pak Se-ri is of Pak Se-ri
The Website of Pak Se-ri is Person of Pak Se-ri
The contact person of Pak Se-ri is Pak Se-ri.Email this information
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