Paddys Market Address and Contact Number
Paddys Market Contact Phone Number is : +611300361589
and Address is Little Hay Street, Sydney New South Wales 2000, AustraliaPaddy’s Markets commonly known as Sydney’s Paddy’s Markets is a well known commercial venture which is comprised of two big markets located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Sydney’s Paddy’s Market is Famous for selling high quality of fruits, vegetables, clothes, gift items, fish and many more. The market resides in Haymarket and Flemington where Flemington Paddy’s market supplies fruits as well as vegetables and Haymarket Paddy’s market sells less costly imported clothes, seafood, gift items, fresh fruits and vegetables. The market is also having a Sydney flower market which is the recognized supplier of flowers to ACT florists and NSW. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Paddys Market is mentioned in below section.
Address of Paddys Market
The address of Paddys Market is Little Hay Street, Sydney New South Wales 2000, Australia.Contact Number of Paddys Market
The contact number of Paddys Market is +611300361589.Email Address of Paddys Market
The email address of Paddys Market is .Website of Paddys Market
The Website of Paddys Market is this information
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