Om Jyotish Kendar Address and Contact Number

Om Jyotish Kendar Contact Phone Number is : +91 98150 64828

and Address is #739, Street No.3, Dashmesh Nagar, Gill Road, Ludhiana, Ludhiana, Punjab 141003, India
Om Jyotish Kendar is an astrologer based in Aggar Nagar, Ludhiana. He provides his services to all the folks who want to have a genuine consultation regarding life. He gives instant report by scanning your janm patrika and also tells you your horoscope if you are interested to know about that. Cannot travel to Ludhiana to meet him? Don't worry, schedule an appointment with him at your place by booking in advance and he will travel for you. Om Jyotish Kendar is known for providing expert astrology and consultancy services, particularly recognized for his ability to offer insightful readings regarding personal and professional life issues, with a reputation for being a trusted source of guidance for clients seeking deeper understanding of their lives through astrology. He specialize in traditional Vedic astrology practices, analyzing birth charts to provide detailed predictions and remedies. The astrologers at Om Jyotish Kendra are known for providing accurate and insightful readings based on their experience and knowledge. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Om Jyotish Kendar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Om Jyotish Kendar

The address of Om Jyotish Kendar is #739, Street No.3, Dashmesh Nagar, Gill Road, Ludhiana, Ludhiana, Punjab 141003, India.

Contact Number of Om Jyotish Kendar

The contact number of Om Jyotish Kendar is +91 98150 64828.

Email Address of Om Jyotish Kendar

The email address of Om Jyotish Kendar is

Website of Om Jyotish Kendar

The Website of Om Jyotish Kendar is

Contact Person of Om Jyotish Kendar

The contact person of Om Jyotish Kendar is Om Jyotish Kendar.

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