Nicoleta Alexandru Address and Contact Number

Nicoleta Alexandru Contact Phone Number is : +40 0729 658 749

and Address is 57 Fernley Road, Birmingham, England, B11 3NS
Nicoleta Alexandru, is a Romanian singer. She is best known for representing Romania at the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest. She began her solo career in 1992 and has since toured extensively and made numerous television, radio and stage appearances. She is best known for representing Romania at the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest. Nicola in a promotional image for the album "De ma vei chema" In 2003, she was awarded the Woman of the Year award by Avantaje magazine, her song "Langa mine" was awarded "Song of the Year" by Bucure?ti and Actualitati Radio stations, and she was awarded Mamaia and Love Song Festival trophies for that song. Her musical career is now taking an international turn. Eurovision Song Contest official site is already updated on her professional achievements. After coming back from Riga, Nicola will be working for her next CD that will be released during that summer. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nicoleta Alexandru is mentioned in below section.

Address of Nicoleta Alexandru

The address of Nicoleta Alexandru is 57 Fernley Road, Birmingham, England, B11 3NS.

Contact Number of Nicoleta Alexandru

The contact number of Nicoleta Alexandru is +40 0729 658 749.

Email Address of Nicoleta Alexandru

The email address of Nicoleta Alexandru is

Website of Nicoleta Alexandru

The Website of Nicoleta Alexandru is

Contact Person of Nicoleta Alexandru

The contact person of Nicoleta Alexandru is Nicoleta Alexandru.

Nicoleta Alexandru Source of Knowledge
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