Mitch McConnell Address and Contact Number

Mitch McConnell Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Sheffield, Alabama, United States
Addison Mitchell Mitch McConnell is the senior United States Senator from the Kentucky. He was born on February 20, 1942 in Sheffield, Alabama, United States and belongs to the Republican Political Party. Since January 3, 2007 he has been the minority leader of the senate. He is the fifteenth Senate Republican Leader and longest serving United States Senator in the history of Kentucky. He did his Schooling from the duPont Manual High School and completed his graduation in political science in year 1964 from the University of Louisville. He finished his degree in Law from the University of Kentucky College of Law where he served as the president of the Student Bar Association. McConnell did six months active servICE at Fort Knox and he is on the Board of Selectors of Jefferson Awards for Public ServICE. He has also served as a speaker for the Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia, United States. He also founded the James Madison Center for Free Speech in the year 1997. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mitch McConnell is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mitch McConnell

The address of Mitch McConnell is Sheffield, Alabama, United States.

Contact Number of Mitch McConnell

The contact number of Mitch McConnell is NA.

Email Address of Mitch McConnell

The email address of Mitch McConnell is .

Website of Mitch McConnell

The Website of Mitch McConnell is .

Contact Person of Mitch McConnell

The contact person of Mitch McConnell is Addison Mitchell Mitch.

Mitch McConnell Source of Knowledge
Mitch McConnell Address Contact Number
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