Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan Address and Contact Number

Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan Contact Phone Number is : (7172) 71 77 64, Fax: (7172) 71 77 85

and Address is 11, Pobeda Avenue, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000
The Ministry of Finance of the republic of Kazakhstan is a Government department located at Pobeda ave, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. The Ministry is a central executive body that is responsible to carry out the management and inter-branch coordination of activities which are assigned to it. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan

The address of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan is 11, Pobeda Avenue, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000.

Contact Number of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan

The contact number of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan is (7172) 71 77 64, Fax: (7172) 71 77 85.

Email Address of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan

The email address of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan is

Website of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan

The Website of Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan is

Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan Source of Knowledge
Ministry of Finance Kazakhstan Address Contact Number
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