Maybank Kelantan Address and Contact Number

Maybank Kelantan Contact Phone Number is : (609) 516 5666, Fax: (609) 552 4173

and Address is 15000 Kota Bahru, Kelantan Darul Naim Peninsular Malaysia
Maybank kelantan is located in the north-eastern corner of the peninsular malaysia. Kelantan has a wide economy which includes agriculture, fishing, tourism etc. People visiting here can see big Hotels, modern shopping malls, strong State park waterfall, handicraft village, Museum etc. Maybank has a strong network of some nine branches in kelantan. It provides home loans at flexible rates with suitable packages to suit customer needs. It also offers refinance packages with lower interest rates and with low monthly instalments and customers can also save their Money for future use and at the same time can satisfy their basic needs. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Maybank Kelantan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Maybank Kelantan

The address of Maybank Kelantan is 15000 Kota Bahru, Kelantan Darul Naim Peninsular Malaysia.

Contact Number of Maybank Kelantan

The contact number of Maybank Kelantan is (609) 516 5666, Fax: (609) 552 4173.

Email Address of Maybank Kelantan

The email address of Maybank Kelantan is .

Website of Maybank Kelantan

The Website of Maybank Kelantan is .

Maybank Kelantan Address Contact Number
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