Martin Lass Address and Contact Number

Martin Lass Contact Phone Number is : +61 3971592403

and Address is 373 Ann Street, Brisbane City, City of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Martin Allan Lass is an American violinist and sometime astrologer, who grew up, and started his performance career, in Australia. Lass was a practising professional astrologer from the late 1980s to the mid-2000s. He has written astrological books and articles, and given presentations to astrological societies. His book, Chiron – Healing Body and Soul, has become a definitive text about Chiron, the "planet" of wounding and healing. He has written books on astrology and has been practicing since the late 1980s. He has also won awards for his work in the Australian entertainment industry. He provides personal astrological counseling and healing to many clients. He also writee articles for magazines such as Well Being, The Golden Age, and Woman Spirit. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Martin Lass is mentioned in below section.

Address of Martin Lass

The address of Martin Lass is 373 Ann Street, Brisbane City, City of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Contact Number of Martin Lass

The contact number of Martin Lass is +61 3971592403.

Email Address of Martin Lass

The email address of Martin Lass is

Website of Martin Lass

The Website of Martin Lass is

Contact Person of Martin Lass

The contact person of Martin Lass is Martin Lass.

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