Mark Hotel Address and Contact Number

Mark Hotel Contact Phone Number is : +12127444300

and Address is 25 East 77th Street, Madison Avenue, New York, 10075, United States
Mark Hotel is located at 25 East 77th Street, at Madison Avenue, New York, Mark is very luxurious Hotel. It was constructed in 1927 in the Deco style. The design and construction was done by Alexico Group. The Hotel has 150 rooms and ten cooperative residences.The Mark Hotel has many features such as salon, a jean Georges restaurant, bar and fitness center which is operated by Punch. Mark Hotel was recognized with many awards such as Forbes Travel Guide 2013, U.S News and World Report 2013 best Hotels in the USA award, Conde Nast Traveler 2010, Conde Nast Traveler 2009 Gold list award and many more. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mark Hotel is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mark Hotel

The address of Mark Hotel is 25 East 77th Street, Madison Avenue, New York, 10075, United States.

Contact Number of Mark Hotel

The contact number of Mark Hotel is +12127444300.

Email Address of Mark Hotel

The email address of Mark Hotel is

Website of Mark Hotel

The Website of Mark Hotel is

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Mark Hotel Address Contact Number
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