Mark Forster Address and Contact Number

Mark Forster Contact Phone Number is : +49 (0)30 325 325 75

and Address is Sector3 Media GmbH (Talent Management Company) Postfach 2 35 20 10127 Berlin, Germany
Mark Cwiertnia, known professionally as Mark Forster, is a German singer, songwriter and television personality. Forster has released four albums, including Karton (2012), Bauch und Kopf (2014), Tape (2016), and Liebe (2018). Bauch und Kopf was certified double platinum, and Tape and Liebe were also certified double and platinum, respectively. Forster has won several awards, including the Diamond Award for his song "Au Revoir" in 2014 and the Bundesvision Songcontest for his song "Bauch und Kopf" in 2015. He also won the "Music National" award at the 70th Bambi Awards in 2018. Mark Forster's music is a successful blend of different styles, ranging from pop to rock to electro. His catchy pop style, his characteristic voice and the poetic lyrics make his songs unmistakable. His new album "Liebe" is an example of how he packs personal themes into catchy pop songs. Mrk Forster, a German singer and songwriter, is currently on tour and performing new songs from his album Supervision as well as his classic hits. His next stop is the Olympic Hall on April 2, 2024. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mark Forster is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mark Forster

The address of Mark Forster is Sector3 Media GmbH (Talent Management Company) Postfach 2 35 20 10127 Berlin, Germany.

Contact Number of Mark Forster

The contact number of Mark Forster is +49 (0)30 325 325 75.

Email Address of Mark Forster

The email address of Mark Forster is

Website of Mark Forster

The Website of Mark Forster is

Contact Person of Mark Forster

The contact person of Mark Forster is Mark Forster.

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