Marganita Vogt Khofri Address and Contact Number

Marganita Vogt Khofri Contact Phone Number is : +98 5219 239920

and Address is 07 eoul Street, Tehran, Iran
Marganita "Maggie" Vogt-Khofri is an Assyrian pianist, classical musician and vocalist. She was accepted in the Tehran Opera House, known as Talar-e Vahdat, as a vocalist (soprano and alto) when she was 18. There, she performed for twelve years in the choir and later became the director of the Women's Conservatory of Tehran for many years. Vogt-Khofri is a member of the Assyrian Folkloric Dancing Ensemble. The Iranian Ministry of Culture and Arts selected her as a folkloric representative to participate in the Arts Festival at the Folkloric Music and Dances of Worldwide Nations in Cannes. In search of good lectures about Mesopotamian Music, we came across this some twenty years old lecture by Rabi Paulos Khofri in Tehran. Khofri is also a volunteer social activist and works for Karitas, a division of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent in Switzerland that helps people of the Middle East, such as Iranians, Kurds and Assyrians request refuge and immigration. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Marganita Vogt Khofri is mentioned in below section.

Address of Marganita Vogt-Khofri

The address of Marganita Vogt-Khofri is 07 eoul Street, Tehran, Iran.

Contact Number of Marganita Vogt-Khofri

The contact number of Marganita Vogt-Khofri is +98 5219 239920.

Email Address of Marganita Vogt-Khofri

The email address of Marganita Vogt-Khofri is

Website of Marganita Vogt-Khofri

The Website of Marganita Vogt-Khofri is Not known.

Contact Person of Marganita Vogt-Khofri

The contact person of Marganita Vogt-Khofri is Marganita Vogt-Khofri.

Marganita Vogt Khofri Source of Knowledge

Not known
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