Marcia Fudge Address and Contact Number

Marcia Fudge Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Cleveland, Ohio
Marcia Fudge is one of the U.S house representatives who were born on 29th October, 1952 at Cleveland, Ohio. She is also an associate of the Democratic Party. She has done her graduation in Business from Ohio State of University in 1975. Furthermore, she got admission in Cleveland State University for Law degree. She was the Mayor of Warrensville Heights and including most of the African-American region of Cleveland. She has also been an associate of the Church of God (Anderson) and currently, managing the Zion Chapel Baptist Church. In 2003, she got entry as an associate in the Shaker Heights Alumni Association’s Hall of Fame class. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Marcia Fudge is mentioned in below section.

Address of Marcia Fudge

The address of Marcia Fudge is Cleveland, Ohio.

Contact Number of Marcia Fudge

The contact number of Marcia Fudge is NA.

Email Address of Marcia Fudge

The email address of Marcia Fudge is .

Website of Marcia Fudge

The Website of Marcia Fudge is .

Contact Person of Marcia Fudge

The contact person of Marcia Fudge is Marcia L Fudge.
Marcia Fudge Address Contact Number
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