Manuel Neuer Address and Contact Number

Manuel Neuer Contact Phone Number is : +49 0231941092

and Address is charbeutz, Scharbeutz, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Manuel Peter Neuer is a German professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for and captains Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. According to YouGov, Manuel Neuer is the 427th most popular sports personality and 2444th most popular person of all time. Neuer is considered one of the most influential and greatest goalkeepers in the history of football. He's known for his playing style as a "sweeper-keeper", where he rushes off his line quickly to anticipate opponents and go outside the penalty area. Neuer has won many awards and titles. Neuer was named the best goalkeeper at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, where Germany won the trophy for the fourth time. Widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential goalkeepers in the history of the sport, Neuer has been described as a "sweeper-keeper" because of his playing style and speed when rushing off his line to anticipate opponents, going out of the penalty area. Manuel Neuer, the goalkeeper for Bayern Munich, announced his retirement from international football on August 21, 2024. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Manuel Neuer is mentioned in below section.

Address of Manuel Neuer

The address of Manuel Neuer is charbeutz, Scharbeutz, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Contact Number of Manuel Neuer

The contact number of Manuel Neuer is +49 0231941092.

Email Address of Manuel Neuer

The email address of Manuel Neuer is

Website of Manuel Neuer

The Website of Manuel Neuer is

Contact Person of Manuel Neuer

The contact person of Manuel Neuer is Manuel Neuer.

Manuel Neuer Source of Knowledge
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