Madison Square Garden Address and Contact Number

Madison Square Garden Contact Phone Number is : +1 212-465-6741

and Address is 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, 10001, United States
The Madison Square Garden is the oldest indoor sporting facility in New York Metropolitan Area. It was inaugurated on February, 11 1968. It is a multi-purpose arena used for various Sports like ICE-hockey, basketball, boxing and also for other entertainment purposes like circuses, ICE shows etc. Graduation Ceremonies, stage shows, meetings, concerts etc. are hosted in the theatre at Madison Square Garden. It is a home ground for basketball team New York Knicks and New York Rangers, the hockey team. The field is as big as 820,000 square feet. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Madison Square Garden is mentioned in below section.

Address of Madison Square Garden

The address of Madison Square Garden is 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, 10001, United States.

Contact Number of Madison Square Garden

The contact number of Madison Square Garden is +1 212-465-6741.

Email Address of Madison Square Garden

The email address of Madison Square Garden is .

Website of Madison Square Garden

The Website of Madison Square Garden is .

Madison Square Garden Address Contact Number
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