MHADA Address and Contact Number
MHADA Contact Phone Number is : 02226592877, 02226592058
and Address is Grihanirman Bhavan, Kalanagar, Bandra(East), Mumbai- 400051, IndiaMaharashtra Housing and area development authority abbreviated as MHADA was formed in the year 1977 and governed by the Government of Maharashtra. It is located at bandra, Mumbai. MHADA is responsible in constructing as well as selling houses to the urban and semi urban regions where people belong to low and middle Income group. It has been analyzed that the MHADA has constructed around 30,000 housing complexes in Mumbai. Recently, it has been announced that this judicial body will offer 2,593 housing apartments of less Income in Mumbai at Mira Road. Moreover, MHADA has also developed Website which will accept the online applications and conducting the lottery in a mannered way. This lottery scheme will be used to draw for the flats for the workers. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of MHADA is mentioned in below section.
Address of MHADA
The address of MHADA is Grihanirman Bhavan, Kalanagar, Bandra(East), Mumbai- 400051, India.Contact Number of MHADA
The contact number of MHADA is 02226592877, 02226592058.Email Address of MHADA
The email address of MHADA is of MHADA
The Website of MHADA is this information
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