Linda Williams Address and Contact Number

Linda Williams Contact Phone Number is : +1 6316646511

and Address is 4690 Portofino Way Apt 201, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409.
Linda Williams is a Dutch singer, best known for her participation in the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest. Williams was unknown at the time she took part with two songs in the 1981 Dutch Eurovision selection, as a last-minute replacement for singer Oscar Harris, who had had to drop out at short notice. Linda is Chair of the Sunshine Coast Jazz and Entertainment Society, and festival director for the Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival. Known as a person who brings people and ideas together, Linda leads and performs in the Knotty Dotters Marimba Band and is the musical director with the Sokole Balkan singers. Her work is inspired by the beauty of the ordinary, and she uses pastels or oils to bring her visions to life. She is co-curator of the annual Shetland Film Festival and a founding organizer of the New Forest Festival. Her work combines commonly used items with aged surfacing and an underlying message. Williams plans to visit her children in New York more often, she said. She also wants to travel to Portugal, get her real estate license and volunteer to help children and veterans. "I mean, people say what are you going to do?" Williams said. "And I say a little bit of everything, kind of scattered. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Linda Williams is mentioned in below section.

Address of Linda Williams

The address of Linda Williams is 4690 Portofino Way Apt 201, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409..

Contact Number of Linda Williams

The contact number of Linda Williams is +1 6316646511.

Email Address of Linda Williams

The email address of Linda Williams is

Website of Linda Williams

The Website of Linda Williams is

Contact Person of Linda Williams

The contact person of Linda Williams is Linda Williams.

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