Life Peer Address and Contact Number

Life Peer Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is NA
Life Peers are the appointed members of the peerage equivalent to the rank of Barons under the Life Peerages Act of 1958 enforced in United Kingdom. According to the act, the appointed members are entitled to be held the position in the House of Lords. Before the Life Peerage Act came into existence, the hereditary life peers held the position throughout the ages. Life Peers are nominated by the British Prime Minister but, appointed by the Queen.The Life Peers are classified as working peers, People’s peers, Honorary Peers and Reputed Individuals retired from public offICEs. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Life Peer is mentioned in below section.

Address of Life Peer

The address of Life Peer is NA.

Contact Number of Life Peer

The contact number of Life Peer is NA.

Email Address of Life Peer

The email address of Life Peer is .

Website of Life Peer

The Website of Life Peer is .

Life Peer Address Contact Number
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