Lianna Swan Address and Contact Number

Lianna Swan Contact Phone Number is : +973 (619) 368-9171

and Address is 251 MAHOE DRIVE, Bridgeview, Bahrain
Lianna Catherine Swan, OLY is a British-Pakistani swimmer who holds seven Pakistani national records. She specialises in breaststroke. In July/August 2014, she represented Pakistan at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, UK. Lianna also represented Pakistan in 2016 South Asian Games in Guwahati, India. The 19-year-old Lianna Swan is one of the seven representatives of Pakistan in the Rio Olympics 2016, and currently holds eleven national records. Swan won 9 gold and 3 silver medals during the National Championships held in June 2014. This qualified her for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Swan has competed in the 2010 Asian Games; the 2011 FINA World Cup in Dubai, UAE and 2013 FINA World Aquatics Championships in Barcelona, Spain. In February 2016, Lianna won gold medal in the women's 200m breaststroke in 2016 South Asian Games. She currently work as lead personal trainer at SHREDDY - a leading women's fitness app that offers everything from workout plans to fitness equipment and a nutrition range. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lianna Swan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lianna Swan

The address of Lianna Swan is 251 MAHOE DRIVE, Bridgeview, Bahrain.

Contact Number of Lianna Swan

The contact number of Lianna Swan is +973 (619) 368-9171.

Email Address of Lianna Swan

The email address of Lianna Swan is

Website of Lianna Swan

The Website of Lianna Swan is

Contact Person of Lianna Swan

The contact person of Lianna Swan is Lianna Swan.

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