Liam James Payne Address and Contact Number
Liam James Payne Contact Phone Number is : NA
and Address is Wolverhampton, West Midlands, EnglandLiam James Payne is a member of the English Lrish Pop Boy Band One Direction. The band is London based musical band and it has five members and Liam James Payne is one of them. He is born on August 29, 1993 at Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. His parents are Karen and Geoff Payne and he has two elder sisters Ruth and Nicola. He was music Technology Student at City of Wolverhampton College. He was involved into Sports before joining music and he played Boxing and Football. He gave first audition at the age of fourteen at The X Factor fifth series. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Liam James Payne is mentioned in below section.
Address of Liam James Payne
The address of Liam James Payne is Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England.Contact Number of Liam James Payne
The contact number of Liam James Payne is NA.Email Address of Liam James Payne
The email address of Liam James Payne is .Website of Liam James Payne
The Website of Liam James Payne is .Contact Person of Liam James Payne
The contact person of Liam James Payne is Liam James Payne.Email this information
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