Lewis Capaldi Address and Contact Number

Lewis Capaldi Contact Phone Number is : +44 833-645-1094.

and Address is 9 Glasgow Road, Paisley, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom, PA1 3QS.
Lewis Marc Capaldi is a Scottish singer-songwriter and musician. He shot to fame after releasing songs like 'Someone You Loved' and 'Bruises', followed by 'Hold Me While You Wait' and 'Before You Go'. Lewis has always been open and honest with his fans about his health issues, and has now taken a break from touring after his performance at Glastonbury Festival 2023. He is known for his charming and sociable nature. He embodies traits of balance, harmony, and fairness, which is evident in his music and public persona.He was nominated for the Critics' Choice Award at the 2019 Brit Awards. Capaldi also won the 2020 Brit Award for Best New Artist. Capaldi also won the 2020 Brit Award for Best New Artist. He will continue touring hiatus in 2024. The singer announced he was taking a break in June to deal with his struggles with anxiety and Tourette's syndrome. Six months after announcing he was taking a break from touring, Lewis Capaldi has given a health update to his fans. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lewis Capaldi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lewis Capaldi

The address of Lewis Capaldi is 9 Glasgow Road, Paisley, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom, PA1 3QS..

Contact Number of Lewis Capaldi

The contact number of Lewis Capaldi is +44 833-645-1094..

Email Address of Lewis Capaldi

The email address of Lewis Capaldi is customerservices@bsimerch.com.

Website of Lewis Capaldi

The Website of Lewis Capaldi is www.lewiscapaldi.com.

Contact Person of Lewis Capaldi

The contact person of Lewis Capaldi is Ryan Walter.

Lewis Capaldi Source of Knowledge

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