Kesha Address and Contact Number

Kesha Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Los Angeles, California, United States
Kesha Rose Sebert is an American actress, singer, rapper and songwriter born on March 1, 1987. In 2005, at age eighteen, she was finalized to producer Dr. Luke's record label named Kemosabe Entertainment. In 2010, Kesha Rose Sebert's first prolonged play, Cannibal as well as the album and Animal were released. Her irreverent songs and image powered her to quick professional achievements, with Animal debuting as the top album in the united States. Kesha Rose Sebert’s second studio album 'Warrior' was released in the year of December 2012 and also has marketed more than fourteen million units interNationally. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kesha is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kesha

The address of Kesha is Los Angeles, California, United States.

Contact Number of Kesha

The contact number of Kesha is NA.

Email Address of Kesha

The email address of Kesha is .

Website of Kesha

The Website of Kesha is .

Contact Person of Kesha

The contact person of Kesha is Kesha Rose Sebert.

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Kesha Address Contact Number
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