Kedar Shinde Address and Contact Number

Kedar Shinde Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Kedar Shinde is a good director and a producer. He was born on 16 January. He lives in Mumbai city. He has done graduation in Maharshi Dyanand College and Schooling in R.M Bhatt High School. Kedar shinde is grandson of Shahir Sabale.He had started his career with “Maharashtrachi Lokdhara”. He is known as talented director-writer.

He direct many Movies as a director like On duty 24 Taas , Irada Pakka , Mukkam Post London , Agabai Arrechya , Toh Baat Pakki. He also direct many TV serials as Director like Madhu Ithe Aani Chandra Tithe and Saheb Bibi Ani Mi and manymore.
He is also a good writer. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kedar Shinde is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kedar Shinde

The address of Kedar Shinde is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Kedar Shinde

The contact number of Kedar Shinde is NA.

Email Address of Kedar Shinde

The email address of Kedar Shinde is .

Website of Kedar Shinde

The Website of Kedar Shinde is .

Contact Person of Kedar Shinde

The contact person of Kedar Shinde is Kedar Shinde.
Kedar Shinde Address Contact Number
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Aparna Ashok Tambe Customer Phone Number
Ms. Aparna Ashok TambeMar 31, 2015
Myself Aparna and I am songs and story writer. I want to joint you if you can give me one chance then I prove it that' I'll make a great writer. Please sir give me one chance.
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Ms. asawari asudkarJul 02, 2014
Hi sir, my name is asawari asudkar. I have producer he want to produced marathi film. We saw your films. We likes that very much. Please sir if you have interest ,kindly contact my number is 9967425651 or whatsapp.
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