Kalakaumudi Address and Contact Number
Kalakaumudi Contact Phone Number is : +91-471-2443531, 2447870 Fax : 2442895
and Address is Kalakaumudi Gardens, Kumarapuram, Thiruvananthapuram - 695011, Kerala, IndiaThe Kalakaumudi is demonstrating weekly News magazine in Kerala, India. The magazine is published in Malayalam language. The magazine is printed at Thiruvananthapuram and it is distributed throughout Kerala. It is distributed by Kalakaumudi publications private limited. The Kalakaumudi magazine was launched in 1975 by MS Mani. He was the eldest son of K Sukumaran. The Kalakaumudi group also publish several other magazines. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kalakaumudi is mentioned in below section.
Address of Kalakaumudi
The address of Kalakaumudi is Kalakaumudi Gardens, Kumarapuram, Thiruvananthapuram - 695011, Kerala, India.Contact Number of Kalakaumudi
The contact number of Kalakaumudi is +91-471-2443531, 2447870 Fax : 2442895.Email Address of Kalakaumudi
The email address of Kalakaumudi is karthimani@yahoo.com.Website of Kalakaumudi
The Website of Kalakaumudi is www.kalakaumudi.com.Email this information
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