Kahuku High School Address and Contact Number

Kahuku High School Contact Phone Number is : +1 808-293-8950

and Address is 56-490 Kamehameha Highway, Kahuku, Hawaii 96731, United States
Kahuku High & Intermediate School is on the island of Oahu located in Kahuku in the regional State of Honolulu, Hawaii. Kahuku is one of the oldest Schools in Hawaii Islands established in 1897 that comes under the Windward District of Oahu. It accommodates 1800 Students from grades seven to twelve. Students from the communities of Hauula, Laie, Kaaawa, Kahuku, and Sunset Beach are admitted in the School for Education. The School has a good athletic team. There is a Music Learning Center and the same has received State and nation wide recognition. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kahuku High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kahuku High School

The address of Kahuku High School is 56-490 Kamehameha Highway, Kahuku, Hawaii 96731, United States.

Contact Number of Kahuku High School

The contact number of Kahuku High School is +1 808-293-8950.

Email Address of Kahuku High School

The email address of Kahuku High School is .

Website of Kahuku High School

The Website of Kahuku High School is .

Kahuku High School Address Contact Number
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