Joe Craft Center Address and Contact Number
Joe Craft Center Contact Phone Number is : +1-(800) 928-2287
and Address is 338 Lexington Avenue, Lexington 40506-0604, Kentucky, United StatesThe Joe Craft Center is a basketball practICE facility of the University of Kentucky that was established in January 2007. It is named in the honour of Joe Craft who is an entrepreneur, attorney and energy industry leader. The center is spread in an area of around 102,000 square feet. The craft center has Athletics offICE, the men's and women's basketball practICE courts. It has various facilities such as separate men's and women's locker rooms, State-of-the-art video rooms etc. The address and contact number of Joe Craft Center is also used for Joe Craft Center tour, Joe Craft Center hours, Joe Craft Center basketball practICE facility and Joe Craft Center virtual tour. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Joe Craft Center is mentioned in below section.
Address of Joe Craft Center
The address of Joe Craft Center is 338 Lexington Avenue, Lexington 40506-0604, Kentucky, United States.Contact Number of Joe Craft Center
The contact number of Joe Craft Center is +1-(800) 928-2287.Email Address of Joe Craft Center
The email address of Joe Craft Center is .Website of Joe Craft Center
The Website of Joe Craft Center is this information
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