Japan Government Address and Contact Number

Japan Government Contact Phone Number is : +81-3-3592-5611

and Address is 1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Japan
The Japan Government is a constitutional monarchy and his role is determined by the 1947 constitution. Generally the power is held by the Prime Minister of Japan. The Emperor Successfully functions as the head of State. The current Emperor of the Japan is Akihito. The legislative organ of the Japan is National Diet and consists of a home of representative with 480 seats. The Prime Minister of the Japan is the Head of Government and the position is appointed by the Emperor of Japan. The primary body of Japanese statutory Law is a collectively known as the Six Codes. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Japan Government is mentioned in below section.

Address of Japan Government

The address of Japan Government is 1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Japan.

Contact Number of Japan Government

The contact number of Japan Government is +81-3-3592-5611.

Email Address of Japan Government

The email address of Japan Government is psia@moj.go.jp.

Website of Japan Government

The Website of Japan Government is .

Japan Government Source of Knowledge

Japan Government Address Contact Number
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Japan Government User Reports

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Ms. EduardDec 12, 2024
Very serious dear information.
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Mr. EduardMar 13, 2024
God bless JAPANESE

My name Eduard from Russia. I'm looking friends in government the Japanese. I'm have is program, really project. Gigantic development economic Japanese. Happiness all people country Japan. On 10000 years ahead, really. Invest money. Minimum ten trillions dollars USA. In economic your country Japanese. ten ?????????? ???????? - ??????? ??? ????????? ??????. ??????? ? ??????. My phone +7 902 411 06 01 Vatsap, Wayber, phone.
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Mr. God replied to Mr. Eduard
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Mr. GodAug 08, 2024
Life am free. New tech am cool. Currency money am not eight. Love am the vibe. Om.
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Mr. Eduard replied to Mr. God
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Mr. EduardDec 05, 2024
Sorry. I'm looking friends in country of japanese.
My project - 100% very dear for you government and all people country japanese. My number phone 7902 411 06 01.
Mr. Eduard replied to Mr. Eduard
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Mr. EduardJul 31, 2024
I'm waiting to meeting.
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