Jane Duboc Address and Contact Number

Jane Duboc Contact Phone Number is : 07595 187 71

and Address is Botafogo, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Jane Duboc is an experienced singer and composer. Having worked with names such as Toninho Horta, Djavan and Sivuca, she has appeared on more than 100 albums. Milton Nascimento and Toninho Horta composed several themes especially for her, and is an awarded professional. Acclaimed jazz singer, pianist, composer, producer and engineer, Carol Duboc, celebrates the enduring power of women on her new and highly anticipated solo performances. Duboc's pure vocal quality and impeccable phrasing shine brightly. It is one of Carol Duboc's first compositional credits. Duboc has recorded nine albums, including Acalantos Brasileiros ("Brazilian lullabies") and Jane Duboc, which made her a household name in Brazil in 1986. Jane Duboc is an experienced singer and composer. Having worked with names such as Toninho Horta, Djavan and Sivuca, she has appeared on more than 100 albums. Milton Nascimento and Toninho Horta composed several themes especially for her, and is an awarded professional. Jane Duboc is a singer and composer who has been using her voice in commercials and has also opened a record company. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jane Duboc is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jane Duboc

The address of Jane Duboc is Botafogo, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Contact Number of Jane Duboc

The contact number of Jane Duboc is 07595 187 71.

Email Address of Jane Duboc

The email address of Jane Duboc is info@janejuboc.com.br.

Website of Jane Duboc

The Website of Jane Duboc is janejuboc.com.br.

Contact Person of Jane Duboc

The contact person of Jane Duboc is Jane Duboc.

Jane Duboc Source of Knowledge

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