James Spader Address and Contact Number

James Spader Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Boston, Massachusetts, United States..
James Todd Spader is a US actor born on 7th February 1960 in Boston, Massachusetts. James is Famous for his eccentric roles in Movies like Pretty in Pink, Secretary, Stargate, Crash, Videotape, Sex, Lies, Less Than Zero and Lincoln. James has played major roles in Endless Love and Tuff Turf, but did not popular until 1986. When James Todd Spader did Pretty in Pink Movie with co-starred Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy, Mannequin, Less Than Zero, Sex, Lies, and Videotape; he became star and received the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of James Spader is mentioned in below section.

Address of James Spader

The address of James Spader is Boston, Massachusetts, United States...

Contact Number of James Spader

The contact number of James Spader is NA.

Email Address of James Spader

The email address of James Spader is .

Website of James Spader

The Website of James Spader is .

Contact Person of James Spader

The contact person of James Spader is james spader.

James Spader Source of Knowledge

James Spader Address Contact Number
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James Spader User Reports

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Mr. LUIGI SUDANOOct 05, 2022
I want to give my warmest congratulation to Mr. Spader for the excellent acting, structuring and script of the TV series "The Blacklist". In addition, the choise of music, related to the content of the episodes is exceptional One sense that there is an intimate blend of content and feelings. The song "Demon Dayes" fits perfectly. Really, you, you are a great man. Thanke you. Luigi Sudano from Valle d'Aosta (Italy).
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Ms. NAZLI GOKCESep 20, 2022
Merhaba okadar saçma gelebilir ama hayatimda ilk kez asik oldum ve belkide hiç göremeyecegim hiç dokunamayacagim birine James Spander keske sadece bir kez görebilsem bu bile hayal ötesi. Ve bir pismanligimda ingilizceyi konusamamak ya tek bir kelime ile muhtesem bir adamsin mimikleriniz yüzünüz durusunuz herseyinizle hep istedigim adam dünyanin öbür ucunda ve tek bir kelimesini anlayamayacagim dilde konusuyor :)umarim belki bir gün ve diyorumki son kez Allah kabul olmayacak duayi ettirmezmis sizinle tanismak :) sizi seviyorum birde son PC de resmim yok ama belki belkii naz. G. 67 (Gokce naz) istegram dan eklerim sizi belki görürsünüz :).
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