Jalaun Address and Contact Number

Jalaun Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India
The Jalaun is a district of Uttar Pradesh State of India. The Jalaun District is a part of Jhansi division. Headquarter of the district is in Orai. The total Area of the Jalaun District is 1763 square meter and population of the district is 1455859 approximately. The District is named after town of Jalaun. The large towns of the district are Kalpi, Konch and Madhogarh. The Jalaun District is lies within the level plain of Bundelkhand. The northern boundary of the district is surrounded by the Yamuna River. The southern boundary of the district is surrounded by Betwa. The western boundary is surrounded by Pahuj. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jalaun is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jalaun

The address of Jalaun is jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Contact Number of Jalaun

The contact number of Jalaun is NA.

Email Address of Jalaun

The email address of Jalaun is .

Website of Jalaun

The Website of Jalaun is www.jalaun.nic.in.

Jalaun Address Contact Number
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