Jacksonville State University Alabama Address and Contact Number

Jacksonville State University Alabama Contact Phone Number is : +1 256-782-5781, 1-800-231-5291

and Address is 700 Pelham Road North, Jacksonville, Alabama 36265, United States
Jacksonville State University located in Jacksonville, Alabama State, USA is a public University set up in 1883. The courses have been divided into levels namely: bachelors, masters, distance learning and doctorate. It also has its own Sports teams divided into men & women which are: cross Country, basketball, rifle and Tennis and for women only which are: track and field, softball and soccer. University also provides scholarships and Financial AIDS in forms of loans & grants to the Students. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jacksonville State University Alabama is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jacksonville State University Alabama

The address of Jacksonville State University Alabama is 700 Pelham Road North, Jacksonville, Alabama 36265, United States.

Contact Number of Jacksonville State University Alabama

The contact number of Jacksonville State University Alabama is +1 256-782-5781, 1-800-231-5291.

Email Address of Jacksonville State University Alabama

The email address of Jacksonville State University Alabama is registrar@jsu.edu.

Website of Jacksonville State University Alabama

The Website of Jacksonville State University Alabama is www.jsu.edu.

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Jacksonville State University Alabama Address Contact Number
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