Itr Chandipur Address and Contact Number

Itr Chandipur Contact Phone Number is : 06782-272304, Fax 06782-272072

and Address is Chandipur, Balasore Orissa-756025
Iterim Test range, Chandipur established in 1989 is located in the district of Balasore, Orissa. It is used to launch flight test Vehicles, rockets & missiles (multirole, multiTarget, antitank and surface to surface). It is spread to a length of 17 kms on the sea shore. Its features are: electro optical tracking System (fixed and mobile), tracking radar KAMA-N (mobile), PCMC Tracking Radar (fixed), telemetry System, range computer, CCTV, photo processing, range safety and Meteorological System. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Itr Chandipur is mentioned in below section.

Address of Itr Chandipur

The address of Itr Chandipur is Chandipur, Balasore Orissa-756025.

Contact Number of Itr Chandipur

The contact number of Itr Chandipur is 06782-272304, Fax 06782-272072.

Email Address of Itr Chandipur

The email address of Itr Chandipur is

Website of Itr Chandipur

The Website of Itr Chandipur is .

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Itr Chandipur Address Contact Number
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