Irina Rimes Address and Contact Number

Irina Rimes Contact Phone Number is : +40 0374 870 175

and Address is 69 Shipchenski prohod blvd. 1574, Sofia, BG – Bulgaria
Irina Rimes, is a Moldovan singer-songwriter who established herself as one of the leading music artists in Romania and Moldova since the late 2010s. She rose to fame with tracks such as “Vals” (Waltz) and “In My Bed”. Her music has been described as a mix between modern R&B, indie pop and EDM. Her first single, "Visele" (The dreams), peaked at #1 in Romania Airplay 100 in 2016 and got her an award for the best début of the year at the Radio România Music Awards in 2017. Rimes has also penned songs for various Romanian artists, such as Inna, Raluka, Andra, Alina Eremia, Nicoleta Nuca and Antonia. She is one of the four coaches of the Romanian talent show Vocea României. Rimes works and lives in Bucharest, Chisinau, and Paris. During the Covid-19 period, Irina started learning French, and wrote songs for herself. In 2023, she published the song " Changer " which is in French. She debuted " Changer " in France in September 2023 in Pont-à-Mousson. On Jun 29, 2024 she released a new album "Origini". The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Irina Rimes is mentioned in below section.

Address of Irina Rimes

The address of Irina Rimes is 69 Shipchenski prohod blvd. 1574, Sofia, BG – Bulgaria.

Contact Number of Irina Rimes

The contact number of Irina Rimes is +40 0374 870 175.

Email Address of Irina Rimes

The email address of Irina Rimes is

Website of Irina Rimes

The Website of Irina Rimes is

Contact Person of Irina Rimes

The contact person of Irina Rimes is Adrian Marin.

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