Ifim Bangalore Address and Contact Number

Ifim Bangalore Contact Phone Number is : 91-80-41432800 , 41432888

and Address is No- 8P and 9P, Opposite Infosys Gate 4, Electronics City Phase 1, Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka 560100, India
The Institute of Finance and InterNational Management is a Business School situated in Electronics City Phase 1, Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. The Institute was founded in 1995. IFIM offers courses in Post Graduate Diploma in Management include HR, IT, Marketing, General Management & Strategy , Finance, InterNational Business and Ph.D in management. Mr V.B. Padode is the chairmen of the Institute. IFIM Business School provides excellent Educational, Sports, hostel and Transport facilities. It is one of the top Business Schools in India. The address and contact number of Ifim Bangalore is also used for Ifim Bangalore fees structure, Ifim Bangalore average package, Ifim Bangalore mat cut off, Ifim Bangalore placement, Ifim Bangalore ranking, Ifim Bangalore pagalguy, Ifim Bangalore cut off and Ifim Bangalore placement. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ifim Bangalore is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ifim Bangalore

The address of Ifim Bangalore is No- 8P and 9P, Opposite Infosys Gate 4, Electronics City Phase 1, Electronics City, Bangalore, Karnataka 560100, India.

Contact Number of Ifim Bangalore

The contact number of Ifim Bangalore is 91-80-41432800 , 41432888.

Email Address of Ifim Bangalore

The email address of Ifim Bangalore is ifimblr@ifimbschool.com.

Website of Ifim Bangalore

The Website of Ifim Bangalore is www.ifimbschool.com.

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Ifim Bangalore Address Contact Number
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